On the job

Trust, but verify

On the job

During operations is when we are most at risk of distractions, slipping into habits and making assumptions. It is important that we "trust, but verify" the condition and status of equipment, and the actions of our colleagues to ensure not only their safety but the job goes smoothly and to plan.

  • Stay focused on the programme – stop if you detect any ‘drift’ from the procedures, remember Management of Change.
  • Stop Work Authority applies equally to quality as well as safety – it is better to take extra time to check, verify or resolve something rather than taking the risk and continuing. You have the support of Altus management.
  • Look out for each other – it’s OK to check and verify each other’s action. We work together as a team to safely deliver First Time Quality.



Learn about your responsibilities and how to minimize risk

First Time Q Maintenance
First Time Q Planning
First Time Q Mobilisation
First Time Q Pre-job2
First Time Q On the job
First Time Q Post job